Opdracht Kadaster

Projectmanager Benin

  • Standplaats Apeldoorn
  • Aanvang opdracht 01 oktober 2024
  • Einde opdracht 30 september 2026
  • Verlenging 1 x 1 jaar
  • Reageren t/m 11 september Je hebt nog 4 dagen
  • Plaatsingsdatum 02 september 2024

Uren per week

maximaal 70 werkdagen per jaar

Opdracht omschrijving

Assignment description

The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency – in short Kadaster – collects and registers administrative and spatial data on property and the rights involved. This also goes for ships, aircraft and telecom networks. Doing so, Kadaster protects legal certainty. We are also responsible for national mapping and maintenance of the national reference coordinate system. Furthermore, we are an advisory body for land-use issues and national spatial data infrastructures.

Our information is available predominantly through online web services, including information on energy labels of houses and underground cables and pipelines. Our main customer groups are civil-law notaries, local authorities, businesses, financial institutions and private individuals. Kadaster maintains the Key Registers Cadastre and Topography. 

Kadaster performs its public tasks in service of society. This is reflected in the way we are organised and the ways in which we publicly account for how we work.

Description of the project in which the employee is put to work:
Kadaster International is looking for a project manager/advisor land administration for our project in Benin. 

Background information on the project
Benin is a stable, French speaking country in Western Africa. Despite a new modern national law on land administration the progress of registered parcels is slow. Financed by the Dutch embassy in Benin, MDF Consultancy, VNG International and Kadaster executed a project to set up the infrastructure for an efficient and affordable land administration. Now, together with MDF and VNG, Kadaster is taking part in the preparatory project for the scaling of the national cadastre in Benin (PPMEC). The National Land Registry Agency (ANDF), municipalities, notaries, surveyors and civil society organisations are preparing to manage the national cadastre in a sustainable manner.

Assignment description
For the execution of the project activities of Kadaster in this project, you have a double role as project manager as well as Advisor on Land administration. You are the designated person to realise the project objectives on behalf of Kadaster International. You organise, monitor and report on the project objectives to the regional manager of Kadaster International.



The most important tasks and responsibilities are: 

  • Enabling the team of advisors who contribute to the project from Kadaster via short-term missions to perform their duties
  • Providing strategic advice to the so-called ‘PPMEC project team’
  • Helping to develop a plan for follow-up financing of the project
  • Coordinating the final report for the Kadaster parts of the project
  • Coordinating the project administration

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